- Installation and testing of sacrificial soil nails
- Installation of 115 No permanent HDG soil nails
- Load testing/stressing of production soil nails for Compliance
- Complete Quality Assurance and comply with project specification and mine specific requirements and compliance
Due to the unique project requirements. Testing of soil nails were required to meet Rio Tinto and TfNSW specifications.
Each individual self drilling soil nail has an ultimate material capacity of 1200kN with a self weight of approx. 150kg each. Fortecs plant and systems reduced manual handling and greatly improved safety.
In a single operation, the carousel will handle, install and grout 3 No 76mm dia self drilling anchors at 3m long each that are mechanically connected in place and at height during the installation process.
- Working safely within an active ROM structure for Rio Tinto without the need for shut downs
- Installation and testing of 115no 9m long 76mm permanent soil nail