Project experience


McFarland Bridge Rehabilitation

Fortec was contracted by the Ipswich City Council to complete the remediation works to the existing McFarland bridge located in Grandchester, Queensland.
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Post Tensioning

Captains Flat Dam Load Monitoring

Fortec carried the monitoring of the anchors, as part of the periodic monitoring carried out every 10 years as per Dam safety requirements.
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Cooranbong Bridge

Fortec was engaged by LMCC to strengthen, and undertake upgrade works for the Cooranbong Bridge crossing over Dora Creek.
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Coalseam Road Bridge

Fortec was engaged by MRWA to demolish the existing Coalseam Road Bridge and construct a new 2 span concrete bridge in its place.
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Sleeman River Bridge

Fortec was engaged by Main Roads to complete the Replacement of Bridge 83 over Sleeman River.
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Post Tensioning

Collie River Suspension Bridge

Fortec was engaged by DBCA to design and construct a suspension footbridge over the Collie River in Western Australia.
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Churchill Road Bridge

Fortec was engaged by Main Roads to complete the widening of the Chruchill Road Bridge in Denmark, WA.
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Kalbarri Skywalk

Fortec completed the design and construction of passive and active ground retention systems and stressing/load testing of the active permanent ground anchors.
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Mount St Cable Stay Bridge Project

Fortec was involved in the installation of a new pre-cast concrete mast, new cable stays, and LED feature lighting on the mast and deck.
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Featured Projects

Speak to us about your project

Fortec delivers projects as a main contractor and sub-contractor to clients across a broad range of sectors throughout Australia.

Fortec provides a diverse range of specialist construction, engineering and geotechnical services to private and public sector clients, including water and road authorities and private developers of infrastructure, commercial, industrial and residential developments.

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